World’s first! Multifunctional EV Regular Charger “Ella” Connectable to Blockchain Released
Self-sustaining operation using smartphone app authentication and blockchain is possible! The world's smallest installation space. We aim to realize "charging in daily life" and solve issues in the spread of EVs.
Jigowatts Inc. (Head Office: Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture; Representative Director: Tomoki Shibata) is pleased to announce the release of a multi-functional regular charger for electric vehicles (EVs) that can be connected to the blockchain. This product enables a portion of the proceeds from charging to be returned to the installation site provider in the form of cryptocurrency, or to build the installer’s own authentication and billing infrastructure using blockchain technology. In addition, a Bluetooth-connected smartphone application for authentication will make it possible to use the chargers on the same day, even without a recharging IC card, simply by downloading the application and completing a simple membership registration process.
The space required for installation is among the smallest in the world, and by widely installing regular chargers at home, at work, and in other places where people spend their daily lives, the new system eliminates the hassle of charging, which is one of the challenges in EV use. The company will begin accepting orders today on its website (, and shipments will begin sequentially in September 2018. With a suggested retail price of 121,000 yen (excluding tax), the company aims to install 1,000 units in the first year and 10,000 units by 2025, focusing on companies with many employees commuting by car, lodging facilities, golf courses, and other places where drivers spend long hours.
We will also establish a company to provide charging infrastructure, which will install free of charge at golf courses, other leisure activities, lodging facilities, roadside stations, and other locations where drivers spend a lot of time in their cars. A form will soon be available to accept installation requests.
Background of the release
Automobile manufacturers and local governments are promoting the installation of quick charging facilities, and it has become possible to go out with a lot of peace of mind. In addition, EVs with a cruising range of 500km have been released, and concerns and dissatisfaction about cruising range are being resolved. On the other hand, quick charging takes about 30 minutes at a time, and because it is not possible to install a large number of devices in one place, you will have to wait for charging. In this context, EVs cannot provide a driver experience that surpasses traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.
In order for EVs to be more convenient than internal combustion engine vehicles, they should be charged while the vehicle is not in use and parked. . Therefore, we have developed a charger that incorporates an authentication system that does not require advance preparation in a minimal housing that can be installed anywhere. In order to increase the number of owners who provide the power and parking space required for charging, each charger will connect to a blockchain that can execute smart contracts such as Ethereum, and the charging fee paid by the driver will be reduced to a low cost. I made it possible to redeem with Of course, you can omit authentication and billing if you install it at home or work and use it privately.
What this product can do
1. Construction of the installer’s own authentication and billing infrastructure
By installing a Wi-Fi connection module or 3G module (optional), it is possible to directly confirm transactions on the blockchain. At the moment it is possible to connect to the Ethereum network.
2. Authentication by smartphone app
An authentication function is built into the compact housing. This authentication system uses the authentication platform that we have provided for smart locks for car sharing, enabling user authentication and billing without preparing a Wi-Fi connection or 3G line on the charger itself. .
3. Easier to install in a home garage
This charger has the same 83.5mm pitch mounting holes as a general outlet mounting frame. Therefore, it is possible to use a commercially available power supply pole or install it in an existing outdoor wall outlet mounting space.
Specifications and appearance in this release are under development and subject to change without notice.